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La Casa Classroom 
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 Virtual Tour

La Casa classroom's virtual tour video provides important information about the natures of  children aged between 3 and 6 years-old, and how our program meet their needs.


3 - 6 YEARS

All members of this expanded community of 3 to 6-year-olds thrive through opportunities to follow their own interest, freely choose their own activities, develop their capacity for concentration, and engage at their own pace their emerging powers of reason, imagination, and sociability.

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Children's House


Younger children are inspired by those a little older, while the older children affirm their knowledge and responsibilities by helping others. A natural spirit of cooperation and contribution is deepened and strengthened through daily experience.

Children freely choose activities where skill and challenge are closely matched. This invites concentration in the child and creates a surprising harmony in the group. 

Children have an innate drive to find out about their world, their time and place, to make sense of it and make it theirs. The Nile River Montessori offers children the keys to the world, preparing them to find and take their place in it.


Practical life                                                        

Through practical life activities children acquire many daily living skills: preparing food, fastening clothes and caring for their environment. These activities also help children extend their powers of concentration and develop coordinated movement. 


Sensorial activities

Through interaction with sensorial materials which isolate one quality – such as colour, shape, sound, taste or weight – children experience the world through their senses, in a way that establishes the physical and mental foundation for further learning. 


Language activities

The child is immersed in an English language environment. Through a variety of activities and materials children become familiar with sounds and symbols and begin to process of writing which naturally leads to reading. 



Children discover number and fulfil their curiosity by manipulating concrete materials. The goals of program are for eachchild to develop a love of numbers, and confidence in using numbers in everyday life. 

Cultural activities 

Art, music, science (geography and biology) are integrated into the whole classroom experience. Living plants, animals and hands-on materials are part of the classroom, allowing children to develop skills in observation and care. 

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