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LaCasetta Classroom
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 Virtual Tour

La Casetta classroom's virtual tour video provides important information about the nature of  children aged between 14 months and 3 years-old, and how our program meet their needs.



Montessori environment for children from approximately fourteen months to three years, focusing on developing movement, language, and independence within a social context. The environment is specially designed for children who are walking well.

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Toddlers Community


“The first three years of life are the most fundamental in the development of human beings and their potential” - MARIA MONTESSORI


The Casetta offers a gentle introduction to social life beyond the family. A small community of  children (age 14 months to just under 3 years) come together, collaborating in the everyday activities of life, building their skills and independence as they go.


In the first years of life, your child is creating the fundamental elements of their personality and character, the mindset and attitudes they will carry with them into their adult life.

In the Casetta they will learn to make decisions, to persevere, gain self-discipline, experience success and consider the needs of others. These qualities are not taught, but emerge naturally within a community of children of mixed ages, alongside adults who combine love with knowledge of how children grow.

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The Best Montessori Preschool & School in Cairo!

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