Our Baby Classroom
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3 - 14 MONTHS
Montessori environment for children from approximately three to fourteen months specially designed for children who are not yet walking. We also offer classes for expectant mothers and their partners to gain an understanding of creating supportive environments for children.

The Nest
The word Nido is derived from the Italian word for nest; it is a home away from home, where infants will flourish confidently into toddlerhood.
Nile River Montessori Nido environment specifically designed to foster and support a child’s first year of life (4 to 14 months, or walking confidently). This time is a huge period of growth. The Nido environment support child growth and development through acquisition of different skills. From an early age, children build their self-esteem, independence, and a strong self-image as the child sees they can manipulate the Montessori material on their own and through collaboration with the Nido guide and staff. The child will also work in collaboration with the Nido guide and staff to feed herself and dress herself.
The Best Montessori Preschool & School in Cairo!
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